Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Brits give preference to Pet Insurance over Health Insurance

Owning a pet is a very common phenomena in Britain. Along with a pet also come added responsibilities, which the Brits are ready to take up willingly. The people of Britain are so concerned about the health of their pets that they make sure their pets are insured, they later think about buying a health insurance for their own selves. This was concluded after a study conducted by Tesco Pet Insurance.

Pet insurance provider Tesco conducted a study to know how responsible pet owners are towards their pets. The company conducted the study on people who owned a pet. They then questioned them about their pets and the things they do to make sure they are taken care of. Out of the total respondents, 36% had health insurance policies for themselves whereas 46% of them had bought pet insurance cover but did not have any insurance policy for their own selves.

When asked about whether they would stop going on long vacations in order to look after their pets and for their treatment purpose; 47% respondents said they would completely avoid vacations that would take a tool on the health of their pets. However, 29% said they would reduce the frequency of their holidays, 21% were ready to cancel their gym membership. A surprising reply was when 7% of the respondents said they would buy a pet insurance for their pets than buying a health insurance for their own selves.

The study clearly states that pet owners are well aware of their responsibilities towards their pets and consider buying insurance cover for them. Pets are also like family members and Brits know them to treat that way.

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1 comment:

  1. National City Online Banking
    They then questioned them about their pets and the things they do to make sure they are taken care of.
